Wedding Run!

Wedding Run!

We really were surprised by the turnout, thought it was great and we really appreciate it! We use running as our choice of calorie burning to eat junk, I mean our choice of activities haha! Really though, we weren’t sure how this was going to turn out, and it was hard to coordinate it with the wedding at the same time. After our BBQ evening we had to go out to mark the course, and starting that at 9:30pm, was a chore! We only got lost one time along the way, pretty good in the dark haha. We were so tired by the time we finished, it was right around midnight! Here we are the night before our wedding, walking in the dark plotting signs and painting arrows! Of course, with the excitement of the wedding the next day it would be hard to sleep anyways, this at least kept us busy.

Buzz, Ring, Buzz, Beep! Okay, Okay time to get up! Well, that was a good 4 hours of sleep. Time to get ready for this big day, and for those that don’t know this is also our anniversary day for when we were first a couple (Kinda fitting). Of course, we are excited so getting up was easy and the sun rises so early in the morning during the summer in PT, who doesn’t wake up early? We needed to leave even early so we could go to grab the coffee and hot water first. Only in PT do you receive the coffee and hot water without paying for it. Pay for it later they say, don’t worry about it right now! Such great people! We then head over to the bakery, and of course they are not open but open the doors for us anyways and allow us to pick up our order. As we start driving away we get to smell all the pastries, so hard to resist. We normally grab a bite before we run. Luckily, we had to stop by our Danner parents house to cut all the pastries in half, which means a couple of nibbles!!!!

Here we go!

We arrive to the run, and everyone helped so much to set it up! It looks amazing. Thank you so much! As people start arriving we are really getting excited that we get to experience this with so many people. Also, we are talking about the ones we think will complain the most the next day hehehe Love you all! Running is important to us, since we met in a running group. Of course, we didn’t get a chance to set up this speech either but managed to pull it off okay. With Chris’s injury just a few weeks before, he was a little worried about the ability to run, especially after walking the almost twice 6 hours earlier. We start off the run, and surprisingly we are handling our own. Pretty sure some people were allowing us to run ahead haha. The great thing is, that when we come up to the first set of signs we can see that the paint ran some after we staked it, so it looked pretty awful! It was great, and gave us a little laugh. For those of you that might of not had the opportunity to run/walk the route, the first half was almost all uphill. So, we see a couple of people pass us, don’t worry we will catch you!! What a great morning though, the weather was amazing and we got a chance to just talk about the day and our upcoming honeymoon. We ended up having the chance to run a good amount of the time with Brittany, and her husband David. We ended up finding out that we all just ran the same marathon / half marathon a month ago. We definitely need to communicate more!

Jen Lee ended up getting some good photo opportunities of us coming down the hill, and we end up finishing before she gets back. So, we ended up going out thereafter we are done to pretend to do another finish for a finish the line run pictures, haha photo fooled! A good amount of people are already back when we are done, speed demons! Well, the food and coffee seem to be a hit which was great. We got to walk around putting medals on people for their great accomplishments. For some, this was their first organized run, and it was great to experience that with them! It also seemed like having the BBQ helped out the night before so people could feel more comfortable and interact with each other.

We did it!

Not surprising at least one person always gets off track during a run, Uncle Larry! He might blame the fact some of the signs were picked up early, we are still deciding on believing him or not! Haha. It was a great help that a couple of sign hero’s picked up the signs for us, it saved Chris from having to go do the course for a fourth time! Much appreciated! It really brightens up your day to start off with a little run/walk. Everyone seemed to be really happy, and had a great time. We loved the fact so many people were able to make it and seemed to enjoy themselves. We were getting caught up in the moment and some people had to remind Allison she needed to go get ready for the big day! Everyone was so fantastic and we appreciate all the love and support, and now we have to go, since the big day is underway!

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