Final Plans!

Final Plans!

What a rush! As we look back at the days leading up to the wedding, it feels like a blur. The days became long, not because of the summer solstice, but because there was so much to do! Work was intense for the both of us, and final wedding planning felt like a mess. Normally, we are lucky, and work is only rough for one of us at a time, but unfortunately that was not the case this time. Then we threw in the wedding on top of that! It was a great experience though, and we really got to see how well suited for each other we are.

The challenges of wedding planning are intense, especially hundreds of miles away. People tend to ask a lot if you are excited during the last few weeks before the wedding, but while there is excitement, there is also task orientation and drive to push through to the finish line. Organization was the key though, and with twenty plus documents and multiple excel sheets we managed to pull it off. The only way to do this was to plan, talk and communicate with each other. Our tasks had tasks, the hours were counting down, and the pressure was on! What’s more important, and what can we get done in time? Order this, check this off, research that, make this, go to sleep and repeat. One task that we couldn’t complete, which might have been apparent if you were able to make it to the reception, was the welcome speech. Neither one of us is fully comfortable at public speaking but we managed to get through it with a few laughs along the way.

Our biggest concerns were always about others and their experience, and as we look back this is how we live our lives. We wanted to create an experience for people that they would remember but more importantly one that made them and us comfortable and happy. Our real joy is making those around us and who we care about happy.

Although wedding planning was a lot of work, we wouldn’t change anything about that time. This was one of the few times in our life that we will be able to gather everyone together that we care about. We might have had a few weeks of 17 hour + days, but it was worth every bit of it. We don’t shy away from hard work and let me tell you wedding planning is no joke! We made it through the final plans with a few hiccups along the way, but through those stressful times and discussions of what we both wanted we learned how to handle it together, how to interpret unspoken feelings and how to build an even stronger bond, and love for each other that continues to grow each day.

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