Las Vegas Runners

Las Vegas Runners

Every Saturday, Las Vegas Runners (LVR) hosts a long run that is usually between 6 and 8 miles. Most weeks we start at Desert Bloom Park and then go to coffee at Grouchy John’s. Once a month is an “off site” run that starts and ends at another coffee shop in Las Vegas or Henderson. Chris joined LVR in July 2015 and I started going to the LVR Saturday morning runs in November 2015. At that first run, I quickly realized what a great group of people it was. LVR is a running club, but it is also a welcoming, open, and friendly community. Jeremy, one of the club’s co-leaders starts off every long run by saying that you are welcome whether you are a six minute miler or a sixteen minute miler, and that is so true. Everyone I’ve met through LVR is supportive and friendly. There are people who have been running for 30 years and people who are brand new to running. There are people who’ve run the Boston Marathon and people who only complete their first 5K after joining LVR. In a city like Las Vegas, I feel so lucky to have found such a wonderful community.

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